October 2024

Post 581 Legionnaires,
Wow!!! Since June volunteers from Post 581, Sons of the American Legion and Auxiliary have conducted significant updating and repairs to our Post with regards to modernization and beautification. Although some of this was mandated by the Post itself, infrastructure issues with HVAC, Bathroom renovations, sewer lines and Hall Painting and updating were the main drives of this updating during June. We replaced three 20-ton HVAC systems, these updates were do to a number of reasons, main driving point was current price over future pricing and the use of current freon. New HVAC laws would have us utilize a different, more expensive, and possibly more dangerous freon. And the 3 replaced units were 30+ years in service and maintenance was going to start being a problem as parts were becoming harder to procure.

The Men’s and Women’s bathrooms have both been totally renovated and updated with new sewer lines, this was undertaken as more backups with the older pipes was becoming a hazard to our members and guests and expense to the Post regularly. With this project the Post’s bathrooms now flow out from the park side (west) into the parking lot and connect with the city’s sewer line. During this all toilets, sinks, walls, and flooring were updated in both bathrooms.

During the downtime in June with these two major infrastructure projects; Legion, SAL and the Auxiliary members combined to painting the hall and all doorways to match the Lounge color scheme throughout the Post. The SAL conducted a timely updating of the Hall stage area, with a new section being added and replacing the aged blue carpet with a new more updated laminate flooring. With this stage updating the Auxiliary graciously paid for the new curtains you will see; they match the flooring on the stage and balance the light-colored walls. With these updates it provides the Post with a more competitive advantage with regards to gaining more bookings. House Chair notified membership that only one Saturday was still available for booking. Bravo Zulu to Julie Hollander on the devoted and tough work keeping the Lounge vibrant and successful.

July saw the best financial month in 9 years, do to the volunteers work by so many of you and your spouses to cover two 4th of July parties due to inclement weather. It is my hope that next 4th of July, the Legion will be a major player with the 4th Committee and City. I would like to see us make Memorial Day, 4th of July and Veteran’s Day, our biggest commitment too. We all have served and done so under different circumstances and conditions, but steadfastly, Patriotism is what drives me and you and I want that Patriotism on full display at the Post.

August was a good month for the Post, we did purchase a new water heater and replaced the ice machine (top half of it). So as the equipment that sat idly by for a few years and now in more regular use, it is showing its age, and we will need to continue to monitor and manage those challenges as they come. We have replaced the Lounge table tops and legs to more modern looking styles that allow for more seating at each table. If you haven’t been down lately, I really want to see your face when you witness all the fantastic changes that we have been blessed with. We have a few items left to do, but in time. The Post did utilize investment savings to help address these larger project costs, with the intention of the Post paying itself back over a period of time.Thank you to you all for your service and sacrifice over  the years, my hope is maintaining what has been built here and simply update and make our Post more competitive and viable into the near future. I am pushing membership, safe facilities for all Veterans and customers alike. My passion for helping Veterans

is hard to match, I want you all to be safe, healthy, and getting the benefits you deserve, with that, I am humbly requesting you to attend our monthly meetings as much as possible and if able help volunteer to whatever end, you are able. Most importantly though, come up to your Post and just take a look around everyone of you is wanted at the Post.

Finally, my time in service I spent 8 years in a Joint environment, with different branches, some very different organizations with their own rules and regulations. But all of us are working together to meet a common end and that is supporting our Post, Veterans, and our community, that is what a Joint

environment is all about. As your Commander this year, I need you and your assistance/volunteerism to meet Post 581 objectives. Your efforts guarantee the continued growth of our Post and the sustainability of our mission.

**Membership dues are out; we are hoping to have 100% renewals by the end of October. **

**FISH FRYs are back at the Legion, 1st and 3rd Fridays of each month**

Very Respectfully,

Chris Pulcher, Commander American Legion Post 581 Columbia, IL 62236
